Thank you to all the folks who have contributed both technical and creative skills to this project:
Desirée De Leon :giraffe: (designed 5 of the custom color themes, made illustrations for the workshop, and provided general aesthetic feedback along the way)
Garrick Aden-Buie :mage: (debugged headroom.js and lent his panelset.js code to the theme)
Allison Horst :dog2: (awesome illustrations of campfires, seedlings, and evergreens, as well as my R Markdown hedgehog mascot :hedgehog:)
Maëlle Salmon :fishing_pole_and_fish: (help with features, and naming the theme Hugo Apéro!)
Christophe Dervieux :crayon: (thinking through blogdown/Hugo intricacies and syntax highlighting)
Yihui Xie :martial_arts_uniform: (for the blogdown package, getting me hooked on Hugo, and helping me with layout code inspired by his many Hugo themes)
Athanasia Monika Mowinckel :purple_heart: (for help finding :bug: and SASS support for making color themes work so much better :art:)
Jannik Buhr :otter: (enabling math rendering with mathjax and katex)
And last but not least, Eric Anderson and the team at Formspree for developing a Hugo theme with such great bones: